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Holding Fee on the Swap Free Account

Why are we introducing a Holding Fee on the Swap Free Account?</

A Holding Fee is required to offset the additional costs associated with the Swap Free account offering.


If I hold a position for under 5 days do I pay any Swap of Holding fees?</

No. For such short term trades you get no swap charges/benefits and no Holding Fees.


Is the Holding Fee a swap?</

No. The Administration Fee is charged to you regardless of direction and is not aligned to the underlying markets swap and interest charges/benefits.


Will the Holding Fee change?</

The Administration Fee is fixed. However, we’ll assess it on a regular basis to make sure it’s fair. We expect changes to be rare and we’ll communicate to you if we need to make a change.


Will I be charged the Holding Fee if my positions are hedged?</

Yes, the Holding Fee will be applied to both long and shorts irrespective of whether the position is partially of full hedged.


Will I be back-charged for opened positions prior to the new Swap Free terms start date?</

No, you will not be back-charged. However, from the 25th of March, any trades older than 5 days will start to incur a daily fee from this date.